
Student Affairs

Student Services

Al-Ibaanah Arabic Center offers the following services for prospective students to alleviate any stress or worry due to the language barrier when arriving for studies in Egypt. These services are not mandatory and are for the assistance of our students only.

Airport Services: CAR 150 Egyptian (one-way), 250 LE (reception and return). US – MICRO BUS $120. US

Al-Ibaanah Airport Service is a package which consists of Airport Reception and Return. An Al-Ibaanah Representative will meet the student at the airport and transport the student to a Lodging Facility which the student has specified in his/her request. All requests for Airport service must be sent in writing with a full itinerary and contact information to al.ibaanah@gmail.com or info@ibaanah.com at least two weeks prior to arrival in order to schedule airport service. Al-Ibaanah must be notified of any changes in flight details or of any delays. The contact telephone numbers for flight delays or last minute changes in schedules are as follows:

Al-Ibaanah Arabic Center: 202 2275 1824 (from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm – the center is closed on Fridays) or Mobile number: 20 01144556556 and the Emergency contact: 20 01224437455

The student must inform Al-Ibaanah of the departure date a week prior to his/her return. On the day of departure, an Al-Ibaanah representative will transport the student to the airport three hours prior to boarding.

Important Information

If you do not have housing arrangements or airport arrangements and are planning to use our airport pickup service, we suggest that you make reservations for on or two nights in a local hotel or temporary housing to give more time for you to visit andor to adjust the steps concerning your future accommodations.

Important Reminder: The airport transportation service requires some conditions:

1. It is necessary to notify us at least two weeks in advance
2. The date and the hour of your arrival
3. Your flight number
4. The terminal (so clarified)
5. The name of it Airline

We ask to all our students not to go out of the airport without our knowledge, because you are under our responsibility. If you have any problems, you can call us directly from any airport phone.

The service charge above is a one-time fee for single, family or group studying in our Institute.

Housing Services Al-Ibaanah

Al-Ibaanah has a referral service for apartment or roommate search.  Al-Ibaanah can refer students to a known, reputable real estate agent to assist them in their apartment search.

We require at least one month advance notice, informing us of your exact housing requirements and specifications.

Tutoring Services

Al-Ibaanah provides tutoring services for enrolled students who are having difficulties with their studies  or who need extra class time.

Al Ibaanah Arabic Institute

36 Saqaliya Street (from Makram Abeed)
Zone 6
Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

Al Ibaanah’s Mission

... to assist in preserving and spreading understanding of the Classical Arabic Language in its purity and beauty.
